+1 619-659-1180

General Information Chronic diarrhea is diarrhea that recurs intermittently or persists for longer than 2 weeks. The manure has a “cow pie” to watery consistency.

Dr. Garfinkel might inject medications into horses’ joints to combat such problems as synovitis and osteoarthritis (comÂmonly injected joints indicated in red). Two of the

In healthy horses, the pancreas produces a hormone called insulin in response to increased glucose levels in the blood from high-starch and -sugar meals. Here’s

One of the biggest changes that has influenced almost every horse owner is the new recommendation for intestinal parasite control. Gone are the days of

January 14, 2014: The investigation into the confirmed EHV-1 positive Thoroughbred racehorse filly indicates the filly displayed initial clinical neurologic signs on January 9, 2014

Red blood cells, white blood cells, serum, platelets … let’s face it, veterinarians look for a lot of things when they run a blood test

The Tournament of the Phoenixâ„¢ is a two day, six event sports contest, the original ‘extreme’ sport. The only event of its kind in the

As the horseshow season gets away, please review the attached chart which outlines the differences between the California Medication Rule and the USEF rules. For

Hello Happy Horse-folk! I can’t believe how fast the days and weeks are flying. Halloween seems like it just happened, and yet Thanksgiving is literally