Coggins Test
This test for Equine Infectious Anemia is require for any horse being transported over state lines or to organized events such as horse showing.
It is a simple blood test usually performed early in the year as some states require a “current” Coggins test within the calendar year. (such as California)
We are using Global Vet Link along with Antech lab to provide you with a “digital” result. We photograph your horse and download all information to Global Vet Link. The test results are accessed at the Global Vet Link website for printing at your leisure.
See www.myvetlink.com for more information.
In order to transport your horse out of state, attend horse related events, or move your horse to a new boarding facility, you may need a health certificate for your horse. If you have not already done so, please call our office to set up an appointment for a health certificate exam.
These equine health certificates are valid for 30 days after the date of the exam. Current pictures or an accurate drawing of all markings and brands on the horse is required. A negative Coggins test result is also mandatory