+1 619-659-1180
Equine MRI
Dr. Garfinkel has joined Forces with Helen Woodward Animal Centers Equine Hospital, MREquine, and Equine Surgical Servies to be able to offer general anesthetic MRI cabilities to her clients.
Why is MRI under gneral anesthesia better?
Low field MRI vs. high field MRI has been debated. The difference lies between the speed of image acquisition and resolution. High field MRI is much faster and the image resolution significantly better. By utilizing high field MRI, which requires general anesthesia, motion is eliminated and the image's quality further enhanced.

What is MREquine?
MREquine is the first high field (105T) Mobile MRI service for scanning horses. We chose MREquine as our partner in providing MRI servcices to our clients:
- It was founded by a team of ACVS veterinary surgeons with over twenty seven years of experience in equine lameness diagnosis and treatment.
- These surgeons sought and found radiologists / Businessment with over twenty five years job experience in delivering high field Mobile MRI services to human hospitals for human medicine.
- MREquine provides high field (105T) MRI magnets that deliever images for the hightes quality to diagnose lamennesss injuries. Much like megapisels in a digital camera, the higher the 'T' number, the greater detail in the resulting images. (Low field magnets are typically .2T magnets while high field magnets are l.5T systems.) Currently 105TMRI systems are the 'Gold Standard' used in most human orthopedic and hospital settings.
How do go about scheduling an MRI?
All MRls will be scheduled by Dr. Garfinkel thru the Equine Hospital at Helen Woodward Animal Center. Anesthetic services will be provided thru Equine Surgical Services. We will contact MREquine with the needs of our scan. MREquine will be available for an MRI within ten days. The patient will need to arrive the night before, all shoes will be pulled on the horse.Dr. Garfinkel will complete a questionaire regarding the lameness to allow MREquine's technicians the information needed for completing the MRI.
How do I get results?
Results will be sent to the Dr. Garfinkel within about 24 hours of the MRI All scans are read by one of the following:
Dr. Chad Zubrod DVM, MS, DACVS
Dr. Boc Schneider DVM, MS, DACVS
Dr. Sarah Sampson DVM, PhD, DACVS
Dr. Rich Redding DVM, MS, DACVS
Dr. Chad Zubrod DVM, MS, DACVS
Dr. Boc Schneider DVM, MS, DACVS
Dr. Sarah Sampson DVM, PhD, DACVS
Dr. Rich Redding DVM, MS, DACVS